Accreditations to deliver confidence in the machine round timbers manufactured and supplied by M&M Timber

Carbon Neutral Business
We are excited and proud to be a carbon neutral business. We work with Carbon Neutral Britain, the UK’s leading offsetting initiative provider to offset our environmental impact. We believe that a successful business is also a responsible business. This includes being dedicated to playing our part in protecting the environment, supporting our community and making sustainable choices. For more information, view our full Corporate Social Responsibility Brochure.

Confor is a membership organisation for sustainable forestry and wood-using businesses. They provide a single, powerful voice to ensure our industries thrive long into the future. Confor’s aim is to support sustainable forestry and wood-using businesses through political engagement, market promotion and supporting members’ competitiveness. View membership certificate.

FSC® – Forest Stewardship Council®
The Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®) is an independent, not for profit, non-government organization established to support environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable management of the world’s forests. FSC®͛s vision is where the world’s forests meet the social, ecological, and economic rights and needs of the present generation without compromising those of future generations. The M&M Timber FSC® licence code is FSC-C022336. Ask us about FSC® certified products.

WPA – Wood Protection Association
The Wood Protection Association (WPA) is a technical and advisory organisation dedicated to improving the performance and value of wood as a sustainable construction material. The aim is to guide specifiers and designers to make the right choices for wood on resistance to decay, insects and fire. The technologies involve factory treatment of wood and products prior to installation. The level of protection is tailored precisely to the application for which wood is to be used. The WPA benchmark scheme relates specifically to the durability (resistance to biological degradation) of wood treated with preservative by an industrial impregnation process. It applies specifically to a treated product such as a post. Products certificated under this scheme are verified as being compliant with BS8417, the wood preservation code of practice.

WPA Benchmark Approved Treater
The WPA Benchmark Approved (TW) Scheme relates specifically to the durability of wood and wood-based materials pre-treated by an industrial process. A company operating a treatment plant or plants that have been subject to audit and shown capable of producing Approved Products under the terms of the Benchmark scheme. Not all materials produced by an Approved Treater will necessarily be Approved Products, depending on the scope of products submitted for audit. The WPA Benchmark Scheme therefore operates on the principle that wood consistently treated in accordance with the WPA Code of Practice is a durable material which will exhibit the minimum penetration and retention requirements for the relevant end use and service life.

BALI – British Association of Landscape Industries
The British Association of Landscape Industries (BALI), is established to promote, support and inspire all professional landscapers, garden designers and landscape suppliers to be leaders of an environmentally, ethically, and commercially sustainable landscape industry. BALI’s aim is to be the Trade Association of choice for the nation’s landscape professionals by delivering exceptional business, technical and promotional support for our members. Member businesses include landscapers, landscape contractors, grounds maintenance contractors, interior landscapers, gardeners and garden designers.

API – Association of Play Industries
The Association of Play Industries (API) is the leading trade association for the UK play sector. It represents the interests of manufacturers, installers, designers and distributors of both outdoor and indoor play equipment and safer surfacing. The API promotes best practice and high-quality play provision within the play industry. API member companies are the UK’s leading providers of outdoor playground equipment; indoor play equipment and safety surfacing for schools, local authorities, parish councils, leisure attractions, holiday parks, housing developments, hospitality venues and commercial enterprises. M&M Timber is a full member of API.